Anal Fistula Surgery in Dubai
Living with the persistent discomfort, pain, and inconvenience caused by fistulas and anal abscesses can be an excruciating journey. These often-overlooked medical conditions can disrupt daily life, making even the most routine tasks a challenge.
For those grappling with the challenges that come with these conditions, seeking answers and effective anal fistula treatment in Dubai becomes a pressing need.

Understanding Fistula and Anal Abscess
An anal abscess is a painful and swollen area near the anus or rectum, typically filled with pus. It is usually caused by an infection of an anal gland.
Sometimes, anal fistula is caused by a complex disease called Crohn Disease (or Inflamatory Bowel Disease, IBD). This fistulas have a complete different management, and an expert advise is highly recommended. Dr. Daniel Serralta can evaluate your individual case and asses you the best possible treatment for your Crohn’s Diseases associated anal fistula in Dubai.
On the other hand, an anal fistula is a small tunnel that extends from an opening within the anal canal to an outside opening in the skin near the anus. Most part of the times, it is the second step after developing an anal abscess. Around 50% of perianal abscesses end up with an anal fistula.
Conditions and Treatment
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Symptoms of Fistula and Anal Abscess
The symptoms of a fistula and an anal abscess can overlap to some extent because they are often related conditions. These symptoms may include:
- Anal and perianal pain
- Perianal discomfort
- Drainage of pus or blood
- Swelling and redness around the anus
- Changes in bowel movements like difficulty passing stool or constipation
- Itching and skin irritation around the anus
If you suspect you have an anal abscess or fistula, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and anal fistula treatment in Dubai.
Diagnosis of Fistula and Anal Abcess in Dubai
Our experienced surgeon, Dr. Daniel Serralta, diagnoses and manages the majority of anal abscesses and fistulas primarily through clinical assessments.
In some cases, when visualizing the fistula tunnel is necessary, imaging studies like ultrasound, CT, or MRI scans are used to aid in diagnosis and guide the management process.
Anal Fistula Treatment in Dubai
Non- Surgical Treatment
Once there is an anal fistula stablished, only those associated to Crohn’s Disease can heal without surgery (treating effectively the Crohn’s Disease that originated the fistula).
- A fistula plug is a biocompatible material inserted into the fistula tract to promote closure.
- Fibrin glue, a biological adhesive, can be injected into the fistula tract to seal it. The glue promotes tissue healing and closure of the fistula.

Surgical Treatment
Here are common surgical options for the best fistula treatment in Dubai:
For many patients with simple and low fistulas, a fistulotomy is performed.
During this procedure, the fistula tract is opened to remove it. The incision allows for drainage and promotes healing from the inside out.
Loose-Seton Placement:
A seton is a surgical thread or tube placed through the fistula tract to keep it open and facilitate drainage.
Seton placement is often used for complex or high-risk fistulas, such as those involving multiple tracts or those close to critical structures. It aims to keep the area as clean as possible before a definitive surgery can be done. It is therefore conceived as a “first step procedure” of a “Two steps treatment” of Anal Fistula Surgery in Dubai.
Cutting seton placement:
In this procedure, a seton is placed in the fistula tract and the patient is advised to gently pull from it several times a day. Also, it is stretched in the consultation every few days until all the tract is “cut”.
Although for many years it has been considered a good technique for complex cases, avoiding the direct section of the sphincter, and therefore lowering the risk of postoperative incontinence, nowadays it’s not part of any International Guidelines for the treatment of anal fistula.
Advancement Flap Procedure:
Advancement flap repair is usually performed when the fistula is complex or there is a high risk of incontinence.
In this procedure, healthy tissue from the rectal area is used to create a flap that covers the fistula’s internal opening. By doing so, it helps close the fistula while preserving the anal sphincter’s function, thus minimizing the risk of incontinence.
LIFT Procedure:
The LIFT procedure is a minimally invasive technique used for complex fistulas. It involves identifying and dividing the fistula tract from the intersphincteric space, sometimes followed by the closure of the internal opening.
The LIFT procedure aims to preserve the sphincter function while effectively treating the fistula.

Laser Fistulotomy:
In this procedure, a laser fiber with a 360° beam shooting is introduced in the tract and slowly removed while shrinking the tissue.
In this way, the sphincters are respected and the risk of incontinence is minimized. In addition, recovery is almost painless and normal life can start soon after the procedure.
Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment, or VAAFT, is a minimally invasive technique for treating anal fistula with nearly painless and low incontinence risk.
VAAFT is the only technique that allows us to directly see the fistula tracts and cavities with the fistuloscope and treat them under direct vision with an electrode.
The selection of surgical method relies on the patient’s specific condition and the expertise of the colorectal surgeon. After surgery, patients will require follow-up care to monitor healing and address any potential complications.
Consult Dr. Daniel Serralta
for Anal Fistula Surgery in Dubai
Anal fistula and abscess can be painful and distressing, but with the right specialist, you can find relief.
Dr. Daniel Serralta is here to provide expert anal fistula surgery in Dubai. He can provide expert guidance and tailored solutions to address your anal fistula concerns and help you find relief and healing.