Colorectal Surgery Dubai

Colorectal Surgery - At A Glance

Colorectal Surgery Dubai

Colorectal surgery is performed on patients who have colon, rectum and/or perianal disorders.

The colon, a hollow tube that runs from the small intestine to the anus, is part of the lower digestive tract. The job of the colon is to absorb water and store waste products of digestion before they are excreted. The rectum is the end of the colon and contains sphincter muscles to prevent waste from being released accidentally through the anus.

Our coloproctologist, Dr. Daniel Serralta, opts for colorectal surgery in Dubai to primarily treat diseases affecting the lower digestive tract that enables quicker and smoother recovery.

Anatomy of the Colon

The colon is one of the major components of the digestive system. The digestive system extracts and processes nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water) from food and aids in the elimination of waste.

The colon (large bowel) is about 1.5 meter long and is the main part of the large intestine. The rectum and anal canal form the end and final section of the large intestine and are approximately 15-20 centimeters long. The anal canal terminates at the anus (the large intestine’s opening to the outside of the body).

Considering both the anatomy and function of colon, rectum and anus, any condition, benign or malign, affecting them may cause discomfort/cramps in the belly, bleeding after defecation, changes in bowel rhythm movements (diarrhea or constipation), or a different degree of fecal continency problems.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer develops in the colon or rectum. Depending on where they commence, these cancers are also termed colon cancer rectal cancer. As they share many characteristics, colon and rectal cancer are frequently lumped together. Cancer begins to grow when cells in the body begin to proliferate uncontrollably.

How does Colorectal Cancer grow?

If a cancer origin is in the form of a polyp, it can easily grow the colon or rectum wall over time.  The colon’s wall is made up of many layers. Colorectal cancer starts to grow in the innermost layer (called mucosa) and can easily spread outward through some or all of the layers.

When cancer cells enter the wall, they can begin to spread into blood vessels or lymph vessels. They can easily travel from there to nearby blood or lymphantic vessels, nodes or to distant parts of the body (usually the liver or lungs).

The stage of colorectal cancer is analyzed on the basis of how deep it grows into the wall (local assessment), whether it has spread to lymph nodes (regional assessment) or other organs (distant assessment). If you are encountering this diagnosis of colon or rectum cancer, do not delay consulting the best colorectal surgeon in Dubai.

Laparoscopic Colectomy - Minimally Invasive Treatment for Colon Cancer by our Coloproctologist

What do we mean by minimally invasive treatment for Colon Cancer In Dubai?

Minimally invasive treatment for Colon Cancer is a procedure wherein instead of performing a colectomy through a single long incision, our best colorectal surgeon in Dubai performs the procedure through several smaller incisions using special tools in order to create the minimal possible aggression to the body.

In a Laparoscopic Colectomy, the colorectal surgeon makes a few small cuts (0.5-1 centimeters) in the abdomen to insert a surgical camera and instruments and perform the operation. To remove the tumor, a slightly larger incision, about 4-5 centimeters wide, is made.

When compared to traditional open surgery, laparoscopic colectomy can result in significantly less pain and a much faster recovery time. Depending on the procedure, most laparoscopic colectomy patients leave the hospital and resume normal activities within 6-8 days.


Many patients with colon cancer are suitable candidates for laparoscopic surgery. The type of surgical procedure to be used should be discussed with the doctor and healthcare team.

In order to undergo colorectal cancer surgery in Dubai, you must evaluate many factors that might influence the best type of procedure for you. For example, your health, the surgeon’s experience, and the type of cancer you have – all of these aspects must be thoroughly analyzed beforehand.

Best Colorectal Surgeon in Dubai

What to expect?

The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas to make room for the surgeon to operate. The gas is either absorbed or eliminated by the body. Images from inside the body are transmitted to video monitors in the operating room by the laparoscope.

The surgeon’s hands are extended by the surgical instruments. The surgeon moves the instruments while watching the monitors during the operation. Through the larger incision, the surgeon will remove the tumor-containing segment of the colon or rectum, as well as any attached lymph nodes.

The surgeon will then examine the remaining intestines and liver to determine whether the cancer has spread..

Recovery of Colorectal Cancer Surgery in Dubai

Post your colorectal cancer surgery in Dubai, our doctor will suggest an extensive recovery program. This will have you mobile, eating, and drinking within 24 hours and home in a few days, as opposed to traditional open surgery. People who have keyhole surgery for colon cancer report significantly less pain in the days following the procedure.

A thorough follow-up is then required to detect any signs that your cancer has returned. For the first year, you will have regular check-ups every few months, then less frequently.

Rectal Cancer in Dubai

Anatomy of the Rectum

The rectum connects to the anus and is a continuation of the colon. The rectum is just like the shape of the sacrum and ends in an expanded segment called an ampulla, which stores feces before releasing it through the anal canal.

What Is Rectal Cancer?

Rectal cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the rectum, which is the last part of the large intestine or colon. Rectal cancer is similar to colon cancer, but it specifically originates in the cells lining the rectum.

Rectal Cancer in Dubai

How is the condition diagnosed?

The diagnosis of rectal cancer typically involves a combination of tests and procedures. These may include a physical examination, digital rectal exam (DRE), colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, imaging studies like CT scans or MRI, and biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer.

Colorectal Cancer surgery in Dubai

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)
for Rectal Cancer by our Coloproctologist in Dubai

Depending on the size and the stage of the cancer, there are two kind of MIS in rectal cancer:

  • Laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer, also known as minimally invasive: is a surgical technique used to treat rectal cancer. It involves making small incisions in the abdominal wall through which a laparoscope and specialized instruments are inserted to remove the rectum segment containing the cancerous tissue.
  • TransAnal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS): in this case, smaller tumors, even polyps, can be approached from the anus, without creating any external scar to the patient. This surgery allows removing the full thickness of part of the rectal wall  without needing to cut the full circumference and therefore, with the minimal impact to the continence system.

Who is a suitable candidate?

The suitability of this minimally invasive surgical approachs depends on factors such as the tumor’s location, size, and stage, as well as the patient’s overall health.

Some important aspects of MIS in rectal cancer
  • Tumor Removal: The colorectal surgeon uses laparoscopic instruments to remove the cancerous tissue from the rectum. The goal is to completely excise the tumor while preserving as much healthy rectal tissue as possible.
  • Anastomosis: After tumor removal, the colorectal surgeon may perform an anastomosis, which involves rejoining the healthy portions of the rectum or colon (this is not needed in TAMIS). This reconnection allows for the restoration of normal bowel function.
  • Lymph Node Dissection: when laparoscopic approach is used, nearby lymph nodes are also removed to check whether there is any spread of cancer. This is an essential part of staging the disease and determining the appropriate treatment plan.

Benefits of MIS treatment

According to published studies, there are several advantages to MIS, including fewer complications and a shorter hospital stay. Since the procedure involves smaller or even no incisions, this type of surgery has several advantages and is highly recommended by our colorectal surgeon in Dubai.

Benefits of laparoscopic rectal and colon cancer treatment in Dubai could include:

Laparoscopic Colectomy

For example, open colorectal surgery may require 10 days or more in the hospital for intestinal surgery, with an overall recovery time of 4 to 8 weeks. If you have laparoscopic surgery, you may only need to stay in the hospital for 5 nights and can recover in two or three weeks. Shorter hospital stays are frequently less expensive.

Consult Dr Daniel Serralta -
Best Colorectal Surgoen in Dubai

As a highly skilled and experienced laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Daniel Serralta offers cutting-edge treatment for colon and rectal cancer with the least invasive approach possible. With his expertise and compassionate care, patients can feel confident in their journey toward recovery. Whether it’s through minimally invasive surgery or other advanced techniques, Dr. Serralta is dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans that prioritize patient comfort and well-being.

Trust in him for your colon and rectal cancer needs. Schedule a consultation today and initiate your first step towards a healthier future.


Colorectal surgery involves medical procedures to repair damage to the colon, rectum, and anus. Sometimes it involves the removal of part or all of the colon (colectomy), removal of the rectum (proctectomy), or removal of the anus (anusectomy), often due to issues such as cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.  

Candidates for colorectal surgery often include individuals with colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), diverticulitis or rectal prolapse. A specialist will assess your condition to determine if surgery is the best course of action.  

In Dubai, you can find qualified colorectal surgeons by seeking referrals from your general practitioner, researching hospitals with reputable surgery departments, or consulting the Dubai Health Authority’s website for licensed professionals. It’s also beneficial to look for surgeons who are board-certified and have good reviews from patients.  

As with any surgery, colorectal surgery comes with potential risks such as infection, bleeding, anesthesia complications, leakage from the site where two sections of the bowel have been joined, and risks related to the patient’s overall health status.  

Recovery time can vary significantly based on the type of surgery, the patient’s overall health, and the presence of any complications. Generally, hospital stays can last from a few days to a week, with a full recovery period ranging from several weeks to a few months.  

The cost of colorectal surgery in Dubai can vary widely based on the hospital, the complexity of the procedure, and whether you have health insurance that covers such surgeries. It’s best to consult directly with the hospital and your insurance provider for an accurate estimate.  

During recovery, you can expect some pain and discomfort, which can be managed with medication. You’ll be encouraged to move around as soon as possible to prevent blood clots and will gradually resume normal activities. Follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor your healing.  

Yes, many skilled surgeons in Dubai including Dr. Daniel Serralta perform minimally invasive (laparoscopic) colorectal surgeries. This approach often leads to shorter hospital stays, less pain, and quicker recoveries compared to open surgery. However, not all conditions are suitable for laparoscopic surgery, so it’s important to discuss your options with your surgeon.  

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